
Before confirming your order in Autenticasbotas strongly advises you to check the sizes chart included in each model profile. In Autenticasbotas we want to simplify the most of any exchange or refund process. The important thing for us is to do the process fast and that you have the best solution as soon as possible. Free changes and returns to Spain (peninsula) and Portugal. For other areas or countries, continue reading:

I want to make a change.

Send your boots to the address writed below. You can send them by the company that you prefer. To send you the new boots you want, you must transfer the cost of transport (different depending on your country) in the account number listed below.

I want to make a return.

If it is for a defect or for our mistake, we handle the product recall and refund the full amount of your order. If it's not our mistake or problem, you can return to us all boots by transport company that you want (you pay, you choose) and we refund the order amount minus the amount paid by the shipping transportation we did to you. Returns boots to the following address:

"La Fábrica del Calzado"
Avda. Cervantes, s/n
29500 Alora (Málaga) SPAIN
Account number, CAJA RURAL DE GRANADA office in Spain:

ES56 3023 0403 1663 8571 6201 (BIC BCOEESMM023) of Calzados Cruzado SLU

Note: images of our boots and belts are subject to slight changes in tone, motivated by tinting in the manufacture or by the resolution and perspective of each device from where they are displayed. That will not be reason for return to our office. Previously order, customer can request all images it deems appropriate.
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