Sustainability initiative in Autenticasbotas

At Autenticasbotas we are committed to the world by manufacturing a better future.

At Autenticasbotas, sustainability is part of us from the first moment and is not simply an option; It is essential that it is present in every aspect of our operation. We provide the highest quality products and services possible, while committing to creating a beneficial impact on the world. In our company we look at the long term and we don't just look at profitability; We are building a brighter, more sustainable and more ecological future for future generations.

What is most important to us?

In terms of sustainability, we have opted to implement more sustainable transportation. It is an essential part of our supply chain and has a significant impact on our carbon emissions.

How are we achieving this?


We connect and collaborate with transport providers who share our sustainability values ​​and work together to optimize routes, reduce emissions and use cleaner vehicle technologies wherever possible. From now on we also collaborate with transport companies like Inpost that participate in caring for the environment. In addition, we have MRW for the shipment of our desert boots, which is, nationally and internationally, a benchmark in social commitment, providing solutions, uniting people and distances, committed to a more sustainable world. We actively participate in community programs about environmental and social challenges in our local areas.

Some of the things that are done are:

- Environmental cleanup initiatives.

- Donations to local charities.

Continuing with the suppliers and manufacturing of our shoes, we always keep in mind that the materials and all activities when carried out follow all legal policies, complying with the applicable environmental legislation and regulations.


We have taken concrete measures to minimize our impact on the environment and promote sustainability. We exclusively use cardboard packaging made from recycled materials and free of harmful chemicals. This not only reduces the demand for natural resources, but also helps prevent the release of toxic substances into the environment and reduces waste.

Our workers:

As for our workers, we are proud of our commitment to their well-being. We have always believed that a happy and healthy team is essential to the sustainable success of our company. We have a safe and comfortable work environment, with healthy facilities, energy efficiency and well-being. Our team is the heart of our company, and their satisfaction and well-being are a constant priority.

At Autenticasbotas, sustainability is not just a word, it is a promise. A promise to do business responsibly, respecting the environment and empowering our employees.

We invite you to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future!!! By choosing our products and services, you are choosing to support a conscious and committed approach to the preservation of the planet and the well-being of all.

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